This is essentially a turn based combat game set in World War I. I have several criticisms:
1. Too complex. Select this item over here, then double tap that, then hold that thing down... I just want to play, not master the complex controls.
2. Awkward controls. Even if you master them, it often is difficult to hit the right movement point. Simply adding an undo feature would help a great deal.
3. Slow gameplay. I played this for about 3 hours now and havent seen anything remotely Lovecraftian. Im still plodding through trench warfare with pistols. Booo!
4. Unclear objectives. I was told I had to take the eastern trench to capture the communications system. But there is no objective highlighted on the map and there is no compass.
On the plus side, the graphics are quite nice.
If you like turn based minifig war games you might enjoy this but if you are an H. P. Lovecraft fan, just move on.
Chairface70 about
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land