Reminded me (in a bad way) of Fallout: Tactics. Your team is too fragile. You might like this game if you like games where you have to play a level over and over to figure out the exact puzzle sequence of moves necessary to beat it, like memorizing Pac-Man levels. For anyone who likes natural intuitive tactical gameplay, this game is a big disappointment. Some cool elements, but in the end, not worth the effort of trying to finish it. The actual tactical decisions are simple, it is not a deep game at all. The problem comes from the "lose a single team member, have to start the mission all over" nature of gameplay. You can wipe a screen clear of enemies, advance a little, and suddenly trigger the next wave of bad guys to appear (from all sides!) at which point you are very likely to lose a team member and have to start the entire scenario over again. Tedious and frustrating, especially on a phone. The game apparently has Cthulhoid monsters at some point, but I never could get past the endless waves of boring soldiers, cultists and zombies and so never got to see the cool stuff that was the only reason I bought the game to begin with. Replaying the same boring fight over and over and over to try to figure out the exact pattern required to finish it is not my idea of good tactics. A real shame because the setting was a great concept.
chuft-captain about Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land